Bungee fitness class

Bungee fitness: a fun workout trend to try this new year

Determined to exercise more this year?

Good news – there’s a new fun way to get fit.

Bungee fitness.

After trending on TikTok in 2021, this unique type of workout has become hugely popular. Essentially, it involves performing a series of high-intensity exercises whilst attached to a bungee cord – therefore combining cardiovascular and resistance training in one. And it can make even the hardest moves – burpees, push-ups, squats – slightly more enjoyable.

During the workout, your muscles are continuously challenged, and you soon work up a sweat. Your heart rate is elevated well into the fat-burning zone. But because you’re suspended on a cord, it has very little impact on the joints – making it suitable for every age, ability, body shape and size.



If you fancy giving it a go, classes are now popping up all over the country. Just do a quick online search and find the one that’s closest to you.

Alternatively, you could try a bungee workout at home instead. Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting you install the equipment in your lounge! To reap the benefits of resistance training, all you need is a few bungee cords – such as those sold in our store – and 30 minutes a day.

Thousands of workout ideas can be found on YouTube. But to set you on the right track, here we’ve rounded up just a few popular bungee cord exercises that you may wish to try first.

Bungee cord available at RopesDirect


5 popular bungee cord exercises


1. Bicep curls

This is one of the easiest bungee exercises to master. Essentially, it’s designed to improve strength and tone the muscles in the arms.

Start by standing with both feet on the bungee cord, approximately shoulder-width apart. Then, grasp the cord with one hand (palm facing upwards) and gradually lift your arm – bending it at the elbow – until it reaches the shoulder.

It’s as simple as that. Repeat the process around 12-15 times and then switch sides.


2. Flye

Bungee exercise to try at home

Another simple exercise to add to your bungee cord workout is the ‘Flye’. This mainly works on the chest muscles.

To start, hold the cord around your back, with your arms stretched out to the side. Then, bring your hands together – taking care to keep your elbows up and your arms straight.

Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise approximately 10 times in total.


3. Front squat

Exercise for a bungee workout

Squats are a great exercise for the entire body. And, with the addition of a bungee cord, they can be even more beneficial – working muscles in the legs, arms, stomach, back and more.

They’re also really easy to do. Again, start by putting both feet on the cord and holding each end in line with your shoulders. Lower into a squatting position (remembering to keep your chest up at all times), before pushing back up.

If you wish to take it one step further, extend your arms as you come out of the squat, so that the bungee cord is raised above your head.


4. Glute bridge

Bungee cord exercise

First things first, for this particular bungee fitness exercise, you will need to create a loop with the cord. This can be done by bringing the two ends together and tying them with a secure knot.

Now it’s time to work the gluteus maximus!

Put both feet into the loop and pull it up so that it’s positioned just above the knees. Then lie down, with your knees bent (at approximately 90°) and your toes raised off the floor. To contract the muscles in your bottom, simply lift your hips – until you have formed a straight line from your knees to your shoulders – and slowly lower back down again. This should be repeated 10-15 times.


5. Lateral walk

Example of a bungee exercise

Last but not least, finish your bungee workout session with a lateral walk. This is a slightly trickier exercise, but it’s a brilliant way to strengthen the muscles in your hips, thighs, and calves.

Two bungee cords are required – which again, should be transformed into a loop by tying the ends together. Place one loop just above your knees and the other around your ankles. Then, having lowered into a ‘half-squat’ position, take a small step to one side. It’s important to maintain the tension in the cords as you move. Do around 10 steps to the left and then switch direction.


Ready to give bungee fitness a go?

Here at RopesDirect, we have plenty of bungee cords in stock and ready to be delivered to your home address. These are ideal for the bungee cord exercises outlined above and could be a great way to introduce yourself to resistance training – before signing up for your first class.

So why not take a look and order yours today?

With the addition of a simple resistance cord, workouts can be a little bit more fun – and a little bit less gruelling! You never know – by embracing this popular ‘bungee fitness’ trend, 2022 may be the year that you actually stick to your New Year’s Resolution and do more exercise. It’s certainly worth a try!


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